Journal papers

  • Cos P., Marcos-Matamoros R., Donat M. et al. (2024). Near-Term Mediterranean Summer Temperature Climate Projections: A Comparison of Constraining Methods. Journal of Climate37, 4367-4388.
    Keywords: multi-model; projections; constraining methods; summer temperature; Mediterranean.
  • Delgado-Torres C., Donat M.G., Soret A. (2024). Decadal climate prediction and predictability for climate services. Doctoral Thesis.
    Keywords: decadal prediction; climate services; thesis.
  • Donat, M. G., Mahmood R., Cos P., et al. (2024). Improving the forecast quality of near-term climate projections by constraining internal variability based on decadal predictions and observations. Environmental Research: Climate 3, 035013.
    Keywords: climate prediction; climate variability; climate change; constraining climate simulations.
  • Dunstone N. J., Smith, D. M., Atkinson, C., et al. (2024). Will 2024 be the first year that global temperature exceeds 1.5°C?
    Atmospheric Science Letters, e1254.
    Keywords: atmospheric and climate dynamics; climate variability, change & impacts; global; scale; weather and climate prediction; weather/climate extremes.
  • Ermis S., Leach N. J., Lott F. C. et al. (2024). Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts.
    Environmental Research: Climate, 3, 035001.
    Keywords: extreme weather; midlatitude cyclones; attribution; storm Eunice; forecast-based attribution.
  • Hansen, F., Belušić, D., and Wyser, K. (2024). Relationship between circulation types and extreme precipitation over Scandinavia is stable under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109704.
    Keywords: large ensemble; natural climate variability; extremes; forced response.
  • Karami M.P., Koenigk T., Schenk F. (2024). Unravelling the impact of subpolar gyre variability on climate extremes and variability: Insights from an ensemble atmospheric model study. EGU Abstract, EGU24-15292.
    Keywords: EGU; climate predictability; subpolar gyre; teleconnections; extremes; poster.
  • Leach, N.J., Roberts, C.D., Aengenheyster, M. et al. (2024). Heatwave attribution based on reliable operational weather forecasts.
    Nature Communications 15, 4530.
    Keywords: extreme event; weather; heatwave; risk; adaptation; human influence.
  • Main, L., Sparrow, S., Weisheimer, A., and Wright, M. (2024). Skilful probabilistic medium-range precipitation and temperature forecasts over Vietnam for the development of a future dengue early warning system. Meteorological Applications, 31(4), e2222.
    Keywords: predictive skill; meteorological variables; downscaling; epidemiology; urban areas.
  • Mindlin J., Vera C. S., Shepherd T. G. et al. (2024). Assessment of plausible changes in Climatic Impact-Drivers relevant for the viticulture sector: A storyline approach with a climate service perspective. Climate Services 34, 100480.
    Keywords: Climatic impact-drivers; viticulture; Storylines; Model uncertainty.
  • Pohlmann H. and Müller W. A. (2024). The North Atlantic climate variability in single-forcing large ensemble simulations with MPI-ESM-LR.
    EGU Abstract, EGU24-1411.
    Keywords: EGU; variability; forcings; historical simulations; poster.
  • Wright, M. J., Weisheimer, A., and Woollings, T. (2024). Multi-decadal skill variability in predicting the spatial patterns of ENSO events.
    Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107971.
    Keywords: El Niño Southern Oscillation; sea‐surface temperature; skill; hindcast; multi-decadal.
  • Chou C., Marcos-Matamoros R., López-Nevado J. et al. (2023). Comparison of five strategies for seasonal prediction of bioclimatic indicators in the olive sector. Climate Services, 30, 100345.
    Keywords: climate services; olive sector; bioclimatic indicator; blending strategy.
  • Chou C., Marcos-Matamoros R., Palma Garcia L. et al. (2023). Advanced seasonal predictions for vine management based on bioclimatic indicators tailored to the wine sector. Climate Services, 30, 100343.
    Keywords: climate services; wine sector; bioclimatic indicator; blending strategy.
  • De Luca P., Delgado-Torres C., Mahmood R. et al. (2023). Constraining decadal variability regionally improves near-term projections of hot, cold and dry extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 094054.
    Keywords: decadal variability; extremes; climate projections; near-term projections; adaptation.
  • Delgado-Torres C., Donat M.G., Soret A. et al. (2023). Multi-annual predictions of the frequency and intensity of daily temperature and precipitation extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 034031.
    Keywords: decadal climate predictions; extremes; forecast quality assessment; CMIP6.
  • Donat, M. G., Delgado-Torres, C., De Luca, P. et al. (2023). How credibly do CMIP6 simulations capture historical mean and extreme precipitation changes? Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102466.
    Keywords: CMIP6; precipitation; extremes; trustworthiness; skill.
  • Dunstone, N., Smith, D.M., Hardiman, S.C. et al. (2023). Windows of opportunity for predicting seasonal climate extremes highlighted by the Pakistan floods of 2022. Nature Communications 14, 6544.
    Keywords: seasonal forecasts; extremes; skill; regional climate; early warning.
  • Liu, Y., Donat, M.G., England, M.H. et al. (2023). Enhanced multi-year predictability after El Niño and La Niña events. Nature Communications, 14, 6387.
    Keywords: predictability; ENSO; regional climate; interannual; decadal prediction.
  • Pérez-Zanón N., Ho A.C., Chou C. et al. (2023). CSIndicators: Get tailored climate indicators for applications in your sector. Climate Services, 30, 100393.
    Keywords: climate services; adaptation; climate prediction; sectoral applications.
  • Polkova I., Swingedouw D., Hermanson L. et al. (2023). Initialization shock in the ocean circulation reduces skill in decadal predictions of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. Frontiers in Climate, 5:1273770.
    Keywords: AMOC; climate predictions; decadal; skill; subpolar gyre.