User Forums

Multi-sector User Forums are online sessions organised annually by the ASPECT project, offering a collaborative space to share knowledge, experiences, and challenges related to climate predictions and services for decision making related to climate adaptation. The User Forums are designed to bring together climate researchers, providers and users of climate services, and other interested organisations from a range of sectors across society interested in learning how to effectively use climate information within their organisation. These forums provide a unique opportunity to explore user requirements and use cases and enhance the overall usability of climate predictions.
The primary objectives of the multi-sector User Forums include the following:
- provide a platform for collaboration by facilitating effective interactions and fostering exchange between the ASPECT consortium and various climate information users and other stakeholders.
- promote a deeper understanding of how climate information and knowledge can assist organisations in preparing for and adapting to a changing climate. This will involve gathering insights on the practical application of climate forecast information and identifying potential barriers that constrain its use.
- promote the use of climate predictions in society.
- explore the feasibility of scaling up the use of climate predictions and determine the necessary steps to do so.
- disseminate knowledge and information about climate prediction to a wider audience.
- build a community of practice regarding the use of climate predictions.
To form part of our user community and receive updates about future User Forums, please sign up to the ASPECT mailing list.
User Forum 2024
The second ASPECT User Forum took place on 30 January to 1 February 2024, as a three day event, focusing on improving the usability of these predictions for climate adaptation.
On day 1, we focused on making future climate information easy to understand and explaining the science behind climate predictions. On day 2, we delved into the ASPECT research and innovation, highlighting what has been achieved so far and what is expected in the future. On the final day of the event, we held small group and one-to-one discussions between participants and ASPECT researchers.
You can find more information on the agenda of the event here. The next ASPECT User Forum is expected to take place in early 2025.
User Forum 2023
The first ASPECT User Forum took place on 24 March and 21 April 2023 as a two session event, focusing on adaptation-oriented seamless predictions of the European climate.
The first session included keynote speeches, panel discussions and interactive sessions focusing on forms of engagement and ways of producing climate information that enhance existing applications. The second session advanced the discussion in a more informal and technical manner, and featured breakout group discussions where participants shared their experiences with climate predictions and explored how ASPECT’s data could enhance their activities.